Yes Baba


What is a sanskara? Where did the sanskara comes from? What came before the beginning of the first sankara?




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Sans 2

Sans 3

Sans 4

Sans 5

Sans 6

Sans 7

Sans 8

Return to Infinity


The Other Other Side


Love Sadguru






There are 60 seconds in one minute: 60 minutes in one hour: 24 hours in one day:
The Mind beats 60 times in one minute : 3,000,000,000,000 (three trillion) Mind beats per second: One minute is 60 times three trillion or 180,000,000,000,000 beats per minutes

When Energy (Pran) clashed with Matter (Akash) four things appeared - fire, water, air and earth - in quick succession. Stones, metals and vegetation have connection with earth; worms with earth and water; fish with water; birds with air; animals with fire; and human beings with all elements. By fire is meant lightning. Lightning is everywhere, but it is covered by a layer of ether. It has direct connection with animals, and so their digestive powers and sexual forces are strong. They frequently eat, and have sex often, to such an extent it seems as if they are born only for eating and sex. In man, this lightning assumes an inward force as the power of the human mind - thinking.

The first worm form after the vegetable kingdom is totally green in color. The last worm form is the crab. It is found in moist earth; that is, it goes in water too. It has become a fish, and therefore seeks water. In birds, you will mark that some species have an affinity with water. These are the first forms after fish. The next most advanced forms of birds have affinity with air, and the last-most bird forms with the earth, such as roosters. After that is the kangaroo form, the first form of animal life. And the last form of animals, as you can guess, is the monkey or ape.

27 December 1927,




There are 60 seconds in one minute: 60 minutes in one hour: 24 hours in one day:
The Mind beats 60 times in one minute : 3,000,000,000,000 (three trillion) Mind beats per second: One minute is 60 times three trillion or 180,000,000,000,000 beats per minutes
One hour the mind force of 60 times 180 trillion and that force would be equal to a force of
10 quintillion, 800 trillion motions equal to 3,600 beat of mind: 10 quintillion, 800 trillion is numerically 10,800,000,000,000,000: In one full day the mind would be at the force of 24 times
10 quintillion, 800 trillion: The force of 259.2 quintillion numerically 259,200,000,000,000,000
176,470,588,235 motions for one beat of matter
Mind is stopped: Infinite Mind is in the Eternal Now: At that instance when Nirvikalp is experienced: Infinite Mind transforms into Infinite Consciousness: In that state Infinite Conscious Mind: Knows Everything: Perceives Everything: Infinite Mind perceives the the speed of mind and matter: In this state the Ancient One's mind is known as Universal Mind
In the human state mind is known as the working mind



Meher Baba Radio Hour Presents
Creator and Creation

Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. This Ishwar is God, but does not know himself. He is in the state of infinite unconsciousness. However, he knows how to create, preserve and destroy the creation. How is this? When you blow up a balloon, your eyes are on the inflating of the balloon, and so you look at that and not at yourself. In the same way, the eyes of Ishwar are fixed on his creation, and not on himself.

radio hour


Sanskara Free
