


Hu ~ Stepping Stones

Our Duty Audio Library


Our Duty To The Beloved

Bhau Kalchuri
Los Angeles Sahavas
July 1985
68 minutes

A vibrant and passionate Bhau focuses on the topic “Our Duty to the Beloved”. In this talk Bhau identifies our duties as a Baba lover:

1. Stick to one master. Do not go to other masters once you have accepted Baba. Strive to become closer and closer with the master.
a. Story of the scorpion bite and the disciple seeking help from Baba and the 5 perfect masters.
b. Story of a pilgrim going from city to city seeking darshan from saints.
2. Remain focused on Baba.
a. Story of disciples going to a fair with a glass of milk with the condition they do not spill a drop of milk.
b. Story of disciples given a day of enjoyment with no restrictions and getting intoxicated.
3. Follow Baba’s wish.
a. Story of Bhau feeling guilty of receiving a banana from Baba when the other disciples were only getting dal and rice.
b. Story of Kaka giving orders to Aloba to walk the dogs and in return Aloba teaching Kaka English (even though Kaka know more than Aloba).
c. Story of Kaka’s heart attack and Kaka repeatedly slapping Bhau’s head.
4. Our duty is to please Baba. We are not to care about the opinions of the world but to care about pleasing Baba.
a. Story of Baba’s order to Bhau to eat well.

For each duty, Bhau has one or more stories related to the theme. The story I enjoyed the most was the one about pleasing Baba. In 1957, Bhau was told to go to Nariman’s house and to eat well. Meal time was with a group of people, and every time Bhau started to eat, Baba would make a comment about Bhau’s eating habits, Bhau’s eating manners, and in general making eating a miserable activity for Bhau. Bhau felt self-conscious with people staring at him and as a consequence, Bhau did not eat well. This went on for over a month. Baba, sensing Bhau’s frustration, offered Bhau some food, and an angry Bhau told Baba that he was not hungry. Baba reminded Bhau of the order to eat well, and Bhau’s disobedience to this order caused Baba much pain. Bhau realized his mistake and was given another chance at Guruprasad. At Guruprasad, with a large gathering eating together, again Baba poked fun at Bhau’s eating. This time Bhau continued eating. Baba continued His poking and Bhau continued eating. To an outsider, it would seem that Bhau disregarded Baba’s comments and not worthy of being Mandali. After everyone left, Baba told Bhau that he (Bhau) made Baba very happy!


Kanji Miyao




...Our Duty to the Beloved

Meher Baba





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