


Hu ~ Stepping Stones


Alan Saviskas


An Oral History Archive Project


 Ten Tests Audio Library

The Journey of Ten Tests

By: Filis Frederick
July 1985
Los Angeles Sahavas, Pilgrim Pines
47 minutes

The theme of the 1985 Los Angeles Sahavas is “Companionship”. In adhering to the theme of this Sahavas, Filis identifies 10 qualities we can strive for, as companions with Baba.
1. Obedience - Obey the Leader, i.e., obey Baba.
2. Accept Others
3. Don’t interfere in the family affairs of others. Be helpful but don’t meddle. Don’t give advice.
4. Cheerfulness
5. Diminish the Ego – reduce your anger and hate
6. Balance – Control negative emotions
7. Forgiveness – Forgive quickly. If you cannot forgive, look for the reason why you cannot forgive.
8. Determination – Have the goal firmly in mind. Have a roadmap and be determined to make the journey. Focus on the goal and stick to the leader.
9. Be Child-Like
10. Don’t Let Go the Hand of Truth – Discover who you are

Filis elaborates on these qualities drawing from her life experience and experience with Baba.


Kanji Miyao


Filis Frederick

DVD Documentary
Audio Documentary

Comments Facts Summations
Rough Draft Reviews Summations Contributions
Under Edits










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