


Hu ~ Stepping Stones


Alan Saviskas


An Oral History Archive Project

Anamnesis of Grace Audio Library

The Anamnesis of Grace
Charles Haynes
Bonus: Darwin Shaw
Date: July 1984
Los Angeles Sahavas, Pilgrim Pines
Time: 45 min + 18 min of Darwin Shaw

In this question and answer format, Charles Haynes talks about some of his experiences with Baba. In 1958 Meher Baba visited the Meher Spiritual Center at Myrtle Beach. On the day Baba was to leave the center to see a film of the 1956 Tour, Charles stood by the Lagoon cabin and opened the door for Baba. After Baba got into the car, Baba looked at Charles and motioned for him to come with Him to see the film. Elizabeth Patterson was driving and Kitty Davy along with other mandali was also in the car. While driving to the theater, Kitty asked Baba about Charles’ parents who had separated. In reply, Baba put his two index fingers together and then separated them. Kitty then queried, “What about a father for the 3 children?” Baba pointed to His chest and then gestured, “I am their Father.”

In another memorable story, Charles invited Baba to his high school graduation, even though Baba was in India. Baba’s reply was “I am happy with your graduation from high school but I’m happy you are still with your aim to graduate in the love of the Highest of the High.”

One word that describes Baba is grace. Even though Baba was in pain, He could not hide His grace … His divinity. It was harder for Baba to hide His divinity than to show it. In 1962, Baba said “Do you have any idea how I want to break my silence?” Baba was so full of divine love at the East-West Gathering that when Baba gestured “I give you My love” … it was overwhelming. You could almost see the love come out of Baba. His gift of love is grace. No one is worthy of that. That’s why it’s grace. Grace is a gift … without obligation … undeserved. The tragic thing is that people try to get ready for His grace or maybe they never say they are ready because they feel unworthy. When Charles went to India to deliver Elizabeth Patterson’s ashes, he brought with him 9 students. After a month, one of the students had a block about Baba being the Avatar. He asked himself “Why am I here?” He could not believe he had the fortune of coming into contact with the Avatar. It’s good to remember we cannot be worthy. We can accept his grace and that makes us worthy.

In the bonus video, Darwin Shaw talks about Sahaj Dnyan (God’s company or presence) and trusting Baba. Dress your soul with Baba in the morning, noon, at 5:00 pm and before retiring. Do this faithfully daily and Baba’s presence will be with you.


Kanji Miyao

DVD Documentary
Audio Documentary











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Meher Baba




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