The Advent Chronicles - Ripples Beyond Maya
Mani tells the story about reading Rex Stout to Baba during a January 1969 afternoon. As she read this story to Baba, He seemed to fall asleep during a passage that she knew he had loved the first time she had read it to Him. The other women mandali were there, and they all agreed via gestures, to suspend the reading because they thought Baba would like to hear the passage. Baba’s eyes were closed, and there was a deep breathing, nearer a light snore. But when she stopped, Baba immediately snapped His fingers and told her to continue. Mani teased Baba, “I was a bit naughty. ‘What did I read?’”
Relaxing with the women mandali, Meher Baba liked the Nero Wolfe detective mysteries by Rex Stout, and Mani would read those and other books, such as J. R. R. Tolkien's books, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
The Advent Chronicles - Ripples Beyond Maya
This is forever